
oneshot reverse-proxy host

Reverse proxy all requests to the specified host. This command requires one argument: the host to be used for the reverse proxy.

Flag Configuration File Description
--status-code .statusCode HTTP status code to send with the proxied response.
--method .method HTTP method to send with the proxied request.
--match-host .matchHost The ‘Host’ header will be set to match the host being reverse-proxied to.
--tee .tee Send a copy of the proxied response to the console.
--spoof-host .spoofHost Spoof the request host, the ‘Host’ header will be set to this value. Ignored if --match-host is set.
--request-header .requestHeader Header to send with the proxied request. Can be specified multiple times. (Format: HEADER_NAME=HEADER_VALUE)
--response-header .responseHeader Header to send to send with the proxied response. (Format: HEADER_NAME=HEADER_VALUE)